miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009


First phase: Machines and manpower

Technical inventions
From one point-of-view the clock makers were the precursors of the industrial revolution. They used mathematic techniques of Newton to build the clocks and pendulums.

The world leading of England
Lots of Spanish and Hungarian immigrants arrived to England, and that helped to the textile industrial development. Very soon, they started to export and became the country with major nautical trade in the world.

The mechanization of the work
The Craftsmen gave practice solutions able to increase the productions with cheaper prices. So in 1733 John Kay invented the “lanzadora volante” that permit made fabrics (telas) of cotton. Samuel Crompton invented the “mule-jenny” that produces Threads of very high quality.

The application of the vapor
But all changed when James Watt invented the vapor machines in 1765. The invention was very important that 4 years later it was used in textile industries. And people start thinking about replace workers for machines.

By: Nicolas Botero Mejia

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

La Rueca, instrumento de la revolucion industrial.



La producción de productos con textiles como la ropa era muy lenta ya que se hacía a mano y se hacía de hilo en hilo. El primer intento de una máquina para coser fue una aguja diseñada para ser pasar a través de la tela por un par de dedos mecánicos y comprendido por el otro lado por un segundo par de dedos, pero no funciono. Hubo muchos intentos hasta que en 1764 se inventaron la rueca que era una máquina que podía girar y coser 8 hilos al mismo tiempo. En este momento se dice que la primera máquina de coser se creó en 1970 por Thomas Saint nacido en Inglaterra ya que dicen que las anteriores eran apenas inicios.

Gracias a todo el desarrollo técnico que estaba pasando se pudo hacer la primera mejor que tuvo la rueca que fue ponerle una rueda. Con esa primera mejora la producción fue todavía más eficaz y ágil. En ese momento bajaron los precios, aumento la producción y la gente se empezó a vestir igual. De ese momento a hoy en día ha habido muchas mejoras gracias a las empresas textiles de los últimos años las cuales hacen estas maquinas mas rápidas, mejor calidad del producto y hace que bajen los precios. La rueca también le sacaron unas copias para bordados y diferentes cosas, de tener una maquina sencilla se paso a tener muchas maquinas cada vez más productivas en todo sentido y de diferentes tipos.

Before the 18th century we lived a history of poverty insurmountable, the production was for the auto-consume, they don’t use well the advantages that each region had.

The industrial revolution was a British phenomenon that extends by all Europe.

The industrial revolution helps to pass from a situation of all poor to scenery that a lot of people can surpass the poverty.

During the 18th century some economies like England and Holland managed to improve their economic situation due to:

The increment of the level of production by habitant.

Advances in communications and transportation this helps to expand the market.

Specialization of the work, each region produced in what they were more effective and the things they don’t produce they bought to other countries.

Division of the work this help to have a major productivity (production in series)

The uses of mineral energy permit to the humans increase their productivity with the help of the machines. The human stop depending from the energy liberated from the woods burn and the animal energy using a type of energy more powerful and abundant. Tanks to the mineral energy the production increase but the prizes no.

The mineral energy also was used in the means of transportation this help to expand the markets.

The application of the science and the technology permitted the invention of machines that improved the productive process.

Development of the capitalism, economic system based in the production an exchange of goods and services.

Appearance of big companies.


miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

taller libro pagina 47

  1. pais COLOMBIA

sistema educatibo: mas tecnico que practico

provoco: poca tecnologia

porque: se da mas importancia a la humanidad


sistema educatibo: mas practico que teorico

provoco: desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnologia

porque: mayor nivel de educacion

2. a. Colombia es un pais mas rural en la que existe ganaderia, agricultura y cuenta con minas que las explotan generando mineria

b.Ya que en inglaterra le dieron mayor importancia a la educacion y al desarrollo de la mente y la persona desarrollaron mayores tecnologias que les ayudo en lo cientifico.

3. Para mi lo primero que devemos haser es derle prioridad a la educacion ya que las personas se pueden desenvolber mejor y razonar y sacar teorias logicas.

por andres rojo botero.

martes, 28 de abril de 2009


the art has followed using the same technology sometimes that in the Renaissance. Nevertheless, the incorporation of the photography, the cinema, the synthetic materials, the electronics, computer science, has supposed for many artists, from the historical vanguards to the last present tendencies, the possibility of expressing the spirit of its time by average contemporaries. Andy Warhol Besides the use of techniques like the silkscreen printing, their cultural eagerness were beyond the visual arts and the cinema, so that in 1966 it began to do of manager of the musical group The Velvet Underground, producing happenings multimedia denominated " Exploding Plastic Inevitable" , that was a mixture of activities, films, dance and music, and that was taxed in several short ones. Thus, the music of The Velvet Underground acquired an amplification not only at mediatic level, but also at artistic level that had not been possible without the aid of Warhol. In addition, artist MGP realised an incursion by new ways of artistic expression in a context until the moment not known for him. All this was settled, without continuity solution, with an ephemeral result, an encounter, a momentary and fleeting synthesis, from which all the members scattered and followed their own trajectories. Nevertheless, the result remained and continues exerting its influence to the present time.

por andres rojo botero

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


Industrial revolution

1. The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain.
2. Because they create machines that replace the man job
3. He become involved in the textile industry at the age of 14 when he was apprenticed to Jedediah Strutt, a partner of Richard Arkwright and the owner of one of the first cotton mills in Belper It was in this capacity that he gained a comprehensive understanding of Arkwright's machines.
4. That the machines replace the man work and this cause unemployment

por andres rojo y simon velez