martes, 26 de mayo de 2009


Before the 18th century we lived a history of poverty insurmountable, the production was for the auto-consume, they don’t use well the advantages that each region had.

The industrial revolution was a British phenomenon that extends by all Europe.

The industrial revolution helps to pass from a situation of all poor to scenery that a lot of people can surpass the poverty.

During the 18th century some economies like England and Holland managed to improve their economic situation due to:

The increment of the level of production by habitant.

Advances in communications and transportation this helps to expand the market.

Specialization of the work, each region produced in what they were more effective and the things they don’t produce they bought to other countries.

Division of the work this help to have a major productivity (production in series)

The uses of mineral energy permit to the humans increase their productivity with the help of the machines. The human stop depending from the energy liberated from the woods burn and the animal energy using a type of energy more powerful and abundant. Tanks to the mineral energy the production increase but the prizes no.

The mineral energy also was used in the means of transportation this help to expand the markets.

The application of the science and the technology permitted the invention of machines that improved the productive process.

Development of the capitalism, economic system based in the production an exchange of goods and services.

Appearance of big companies.


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